Two people sit at table looking out the window at snow-covered alpine peaks

We started our day at the Turtmann Hut with headlamps on, negotiated crevasses on both the Brunegg and Turtmann glaciers, climbed 1700 meters to the summit of the Bishorn, and finally skied some much deserved powder until reaching the Tracuit Hut, where perhaps the day’s ultimate reward came. 

There we discovered what may be the Alp’s best dining room, best enjoyed with fresh torte and a coffee.

At work and play

We are fortunate to call the mountains our workplace and still marvel at what we get to do on any given work day, be it in the Alps or Himalaya. 

After all these years, the passion we have for life as mountain sport athletes and photographers hasn't faded. Experiencing the Alps on so many levels keeps us motivated for what comes next.

Portrait of Dan and Janine Patitucci

Dan and Janine Patitucci are professional photographers and mountain sport athletes who work in the global outdoor industry. Based in Interlaken, they're more likely to be found at high altitude - running, skiing or climbing, and always with camera at hand.


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