By the numbers: WEF weathers the storm

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U.S. President Donald Trump alights from Air Force One at Zurich International Airport for the Davos World Economic Forum

'One is a lonely number': US president Donald Trump disembarking from Marine One in Davos.


Almost every article published by contains a percentage, an age, an amount of money or some other figure. Here’s a round-up of the most interesting statistics to appear in the past week’s stories.

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The estimated length in kilometres of the Hölloch cave network where eight men were trapped from Sunday to Friday. The cavers had planned to spend only a day exploring what is one of Europe's largest natural underground systems when they were pinned inside due to a sudden onrush of water from heavy rainfall.



A2 is the number of the motorway that was closed when it was hit by a mudslide on Monday evening. The A2 is a key Swiss artery since it includes the Gotthard tunnel through the Alps, connecting northern and southern Europe.



The number of anti-WEF and Trump protesters who took part in demonstrations across Switzerland, according to police. Left-wing organisers put the figure much higher, at 4,500.



The number of delegates taking part in the WEF annual meeting in the Swiss mountain resort of Davos. Only one in five were women and nearly two-thirds were either from Europe or North America.



The number of people driving into Geneva each day. In an attempt to reduce the congestion, authorities in Geneva and neighbouring France signed a letter of intent outlining measures such as more cross-border bus lines and a commitment to car-sharing and park-and-ride facilities. 



United States President Donald Trump flew into Zurich on Air Force One before being airlifted to Davos by the Marine One helicopter for the final stage of his controversial visit to the WEF meeting. 



The number of bilateral accords Switzerland has with the European Union. Finance Minister Ueli Maurer and Foreign Affairs Minister Ignazio Cassis sent mixed signals from Davos this week about the speed in which Switzerland should hammer out a treaty with the EU to replace them.

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